Peter Pan
Due to the classic storyline this film appeals to children and Disney fans, also as it contains action this will attract older teens and males. As there are different actors it will borrow interest from other films and shows. Due to it being well known story it will alway have a big audience and will always be a loveable film. A lot of the people that this appealed to before release would mainly want to watch it to compare to the cartoon version, these kind of people are those who grew up with the cartoon (which was released in 1953) and at sceptical about the new version.
White chicks
White chicks is a action/comedy so it has quite a specific audience although as contains two actors from Scary Movie which is a similar genre it will appeal to fans from that movie series. Although White Chicks does contain Action which is usually aimed at males, this film is generally seen as a 'girly' film and is a lot more popular with female audiences.
Mama Mia
Mamma Mia fits into a range of genres for example it is a musical but it is also a romance/ comedy so it appeals to a wide range of people. The songs in the film are all sung and produced by the famous band Abba so the film has borrowed interest from Abba fans.
again - the writing is competent with confident elements - add the visuals - poster/stills - something to share the look and style then i can link to to an audience type