Thursday, 21 January 2016

Film Classification

Whilst I wasn't present Jack Grimshaw researched and did a post on film classifications as it is a very important part of producing a film.

1 comment:

  1. I have read all posts: when it comes to recording creativity, ideas planning you are a good candidate - your teamwork is good and you are clearly working better that earlier in the project. There are reflective and evaluative comments but they are far too brief - try applying your photographic ability to annotate to these posts. Each post also needs to have far more content - thin what am i trying to show off to the examiner:
    - you need to add images and examples in each post to show the visual side and then - you need more media language and critical theory.

    Read all your posts and ensure that each post includes reflection and evidence in media language of at least 2 or 3 NARIM and several codes and conventions
    NARRATIVE (the story and how is is evolving / being constructed)
    AUDIENCE ( how are you providing for them and who are they)
    REPRESENTATION ( of people/ places / things etc)
    INDUSTRY (in this case film - producers / exhibition / districubtion)
    MEDIA LANGUAGE - use as much media terminology as poss - find the glassaries in common files

    codes and conventions - i.e - technical / symbolic / visual - reference at least 5 points on each post - see me to expand if it helps

    finally make sure you explain and refine/develop your intended narrative Codes as the production evolves.

    Do this and your grade will rise
